ACM Siggraph Bangkok Chapter is a member of ACM Siggraph established in the United States with the objective to promote the potential in computing technology expertise. Of particular interest is the development of computer graphics and interactive techniques. In order to support the industry and education, membership is accepted from diverse groups including individuals and Special Interest Groups (SIG) from around the world.

ACM Siggraph Bangkok Chapter was officially founded on December 29, 2003. The chapter is a non-profit organization dedicated to the continuous development of the Digital Content industry in Thailand.

ACM Siggraph Bangkok Primary Objective

The major objective of the organization is to promote the potential of the computer graphics design and related areas for students and interested persons. The goal is to stimulate interest, research, and applications development for the achievement of the fullest potential in the digital contents industry. The cutting-edge developments would be communicated to members and the Thai community in order to inspire the future of the industry.